4FC12.ZIP 25,211 09-01-92 4Comment: Extracts file descriptions fromtextfile and installs as 4dos comments or ascomments in zip/pak/arj/zoo file. Alsoextracts comments from compressed file totext file. 4dos ver 3 and 4 compatible.
4MICA26.ZIP 12,466 06-25-92 4dos archive shell v2.6 (zip/arj and now lha!
ACZAR100.ZIP 371,029 10-11-92 SHEZ ARCMASTER ZIP PAK ARJ LZH ARC ZOO ACWas SHEZ or ARCMASTER too difficult? Trythis new archive shell ACZAR. This isVersion 1.00 (non-beta) with lots ofimprovements. Fearures full mouse support,state of the art SAA interface, supportsZIP, ARJ, ARC, LZH, PAK, and ZOO files,McAfee's virus scanner SCAN.EXE 95b,built-in high speed file viewer and more...
AM69A.ZIP 197,421 01-04-92 ArcMaster v6.9a Shell for Compressed Files
AM70.ZIP 206,466 01-31-92 Newlin: ArcMaster v7.0: Ready for PKZIP 2
APRUNE11.ZIP 11,427 02-08-92 ARchive Pruner, freeware from RichardWhisen, prunes from a ZIP or LZH archive allfiles thatdo not match files in source dir
ARCDIRS.ZIP 16,517 03-10-92 Allow you to compress (LZH method) all filein all your directories in one and onlycommand. Create a compressed file in eachdirectory. Belgian stuff.
ARCF110.ZIP 6,929 03-10-92 Search files in ARCs for text strng1.07;Buerg
ARCLB192.ZIP 44,489 10-19-92 ARCLAB v1.92 - Archive Converter for allkind of classic archive type
ARCMAST.ZIP 196,278 01-04-92 A file that does it all, Zip etc. A utilitythat zips, unzips etc.
ARCVIE.ZIP 10,171 07-01-92 View archive files ZIP,ARJ,ZOO,.. Clipperfunctions in LIB.
ARJ239A.EXE 122,315 08-31-92 ARJ 2.4 PUBLIC BETA version, 2.39a. This isa BETA TEST version for testing andevaluation. With improved speed andfeatures. Recommended for experienced ARJusers only.
ARJCOM02.ZIP 14,964 07-20-92 ARJcom 0.2, will add a comment to arj filesand also scan them for unwanted files
ARJHLP23.EXE 326,512 02-13-92 ARJ-Help is an electronic book that allow
ARJLHA.ZIP 2,406 09-30-92 Cam-Mail Help And Batch Files to Setup ArjAnd Lha Archivers.
ARJPATH1.ZIP 10,262 05-09-92 Highly specialized 4DOS BTM: shell for ARJto create multi-volume archives and tobackup/ restore hard drive. Requires ARJ2.30 and 4DOS 4.0 or later. From DarkhorseIndustries.
ARJTOUCH.ZIP 2,512 11-06-92 This is an ARJ archive manipulation utility
AT750A.ZIP 81,597 07-29-92 ARCTOOL v7.5a from GDSOFT.Archive shell forZOO, PAK, ARJ, and even recognizes MOST"EXE" archives. Best of ALL, it handlesarchives INSIDE of other archives up to 4layers. Graphical user interface. FAST!!
AV145.ZIP 208,642 12-10-92 Archive View 1.45. A PM utility like Shez.
AV_109.ZIP 70,340 08-25-92 Archive Viewer v1.09 interface which looksinside archives, includes a programlauncher. for OS/2
AZIPA20.ZIP 207,685 05-17-92 The Attica Zip Assistant v2.0 shell forPKZip/UnZip
BADIMPLO.ZIP 0,903 09-28-92 Example of file which PKZIP 1.10 can'thandle (the so-called 'Postscript' bug). This is an .ARJ inside a .ZIP. The fileseems to implode Ok, but is corrupted andcan't be extracted.
BCAU100.ZIP 9,431 04-24-92 Batch Compression Archive Utilities V1.00Converts (Arc/Arj/lzh/pak/ZIP/zoo) Into ADifferent Archive Format of That Type byUsing Batch Files to Decomprss The Old Way &Recompress The New Way. Saves Time,
BKLBAT10.ZIP 10,012 02-04-92 Free from Dan Goodell: automates the use ofLHA to do disk backups, requires LHA.EXE
CMPVRT11.ZIP 24,649 02-20-92 Compression conversion program 2/92 willconvert the standards and .HYP/.DWC providedyou have the compression programs.
COMMENT_.ZIP 12,801 07-18-92 All new .ZIP file comment insert/replaceutility. Fast, efficient, and RELIABLE. Can replace all your old comments whilemaintaining the original file dates.
COMPRES.ZIP 352,343 02-28-92 Compress your graphics files - TGA, TIFF,BIN, BMP, PCX, GIF, etc. - up to a ratio of255:1. Supports, TARGA, VGA, Super VGA,16x16 pixel wide. No dox.
CRACKED.ZIP 14,164 04-03-92 PKWare Contest files without encryption! ...appears to be a false pw for breakme.dat
DIARC200.ZIP 43,375 05-01-92 DiArc version 2.00 Makes a subdir for everyarchived file, named as the archive. Extracts archived files to those subdirs. Optionally scans for viruses. Moves,deletes or keeps the packed files. Perfectfor your download directory, or for sysopsgoing through the upload directory. Fullyconfigurable, supports every archive programand virusscanner known to man. *** AND... It's PoleWare - It's FreeWare! *** Newest
DRX109.ZIP 39,326 06-14-92 Shell for detecting files compressed byseveral executable file compressors.supportsAXE, DIET, EXEPACK, ICE, LEXEM, LZEXE,PKLITE, SCRNCH, SHRINK and TINYPROG. New:DIRX.CFG may now include command switches.
DSZN0503.ZIP 2,663 05-03-92 LATEST CHANGES TO DSZ (5-3-92)
DVPEG1G.ZIP 107,360 07-16-92 JPEG (*.JPG) File Viewer. 286+ REQUIRED! 386+ recommended and supported with it's own.EXE. Based on IJPEG 3.0 source. The bestone
DXP196B.ZIP 119,232 04-17-92 Disk Express V1.96b Compress Entire DisketteFor Transmission.
D_ZIP15.ZIP 52,777 08-16-92 Drag & Zip v1.5 Makes Windows 3.1 & NortonDesktop into a complete shell for ZIP files. Includes built-in ASCII file viewer.
EXLITE2.ZIP 6,879 04-17-92 Decompress PKLITE'd .COM files. With ASMsource. 04/08/92.
EZCOMP20.ZIP 98,884 07-13-92 EZComp Version 2.0 Unix compatiblecompress/uncompress for DOS. ExtreamlyFast, true 32bit, runs in 386 protectedmode, (386+ required), full 12 - 16 bitsupport. Uses extended/expanded/Xms/Diskfor extra mem if needed. Supports olderunix compress,
EZIP10D.ZIP 137,668 08-25-92 Latest version of KMK Software's PKZIP shellprogram. Aimed at novice-to-average user. Eliminates all the guess work. Reqs DOS 2.x+
FV140.ZIP 8,849 03-10-92 Verbose archive directory listerv1.40:VBuerg View directory of virtually anyarchive file: ARC, ARJ, DWC, LBR, LZH, PAK,ZIP & ZOO files and most self-extracting.COM & .EXE archives Version 1.39 addedPKZIP v1.93a SFX support & v1.40 addslicensed versn for commercial use. GiftWarefor personal, private use - 03/10/92
FWZ150.ZIP 88,477 04-01-92 Framework Front-End For PkZIP/Pkunzip.
GFB101.ZIP 43,072 09-06-92 Gif Blaster 1.01, compress gifs about 25%,lossless like arj and zip
HPACK75.ZIP 66,705 07-29-92 HPACK v0.75c0 Multi-system archive datatransferral. MS-DOS, Unix, OS/2,Archimedes, MAC. Some currently underdevelopment. Allows translation datatransfers. (1-92). Archive.
INTEGMAS.ZIP 291,094 10-19-92 checks all exe files for virus infection
JBASE20.ZIP 118,450 10-12-92 ArjBase v2.0: will catalog, in a database,.ARJ files stored on diskette, and be ableto quickly locate a file by filename, disk #or type of pgm; 10/12/92; Joseph E. Albritton.
JPEG3.ZIP 97,047 04-04-92 Software from the Independent JPEG GroupCJPEG - compress picture -> .JPG DJPEG -uncompress .JPG -> other picture formats
JPEG3386.ZIP 201,565 04-07-92 JPEG Image compression v 3.0 for PC's Thisversion requires a '386 of '486 and is abouttwice as fast as the regular version! 1.5MExtended Memory minimum (recommended)
JPEG4.ZIP 629,562 08-08-92 Shareware version of the LEADTOOLS -complete except for the library files -Image processing application for 120SVGA/Targa cards - DOS Softwarecompression/imageconversion/viewing/processing. 8.8.92
JPEGSRC3.ZIP 354,329 03-19-92 Release 3 of the Independent JPEG Group'ssource code. Includes makefiles for manypopular compilers.
JPGF2F4.ZIP 252,599 08-08-92 V4.0 of LEADTOOLS sharware Batch file tofile DOS compression/decompression util. This file contains full EXE's & sample 'C'source to compress 8, 16, 24, & 32 bit TGA,TIF, BMP, PCX, GIF images to JPEG (JFIF,JTIF, JPG), & LEAD (CMP). also DecompressJPEG (JFIF, JTIF, JPG) files to any of 8,16, 24, or 32 bit TGA, BMP, TIF, PCX, GIF.
LHASHEL2.ZIP 56,360 06-27-92 Lha shell vrs2.4.
LHHELP.ZIP 18,274 07-09-92 LHSCAN/LHPICK v0.02: corrupt LZH file rescueprogram that looks for the place where CRCerror occured and retrieves all of the filesin .LZH files free from CRC error; 07/09/92;Haruyasu Yoshizaki
LM11.ZIP 91,632 10-16-92 LHA Master v1.1: Easy to use shell for LHARC(self-extracting .EXE NOT virus scanned!).
LZHSPL.ZIP 11,232 09-08-92 LZH file spliter that uses best-fitapproach; w/C++ source; 09/08/92; William S. Ataras III
LZID10A.ZIP 1,270 04-16-92 Find files compressed by DIET/PKLITE/LZEXE.
MTAOVF21.ZIP 134,124 09-11-92 MTA is a conversion utility to convertalmost any archive and/or GIF to anotherformat. It contains special support forBBS's, exits, doors and such. w/Add onutilities and more! 15.21 is a bug release. ** THIS IS THE OVERLAY PART OF MTA **.
PMZIP100.ZIP 71,014 07-03-92 PMZIP 1.0 - a ZIP File Manager for OS/2 PMFeatures an SAA/CUA compatible interface forviewing, extracting, adding, and deletingmembers of a ZIP file. Main window containspush buttons for most commonly used actionsand a sortable list box with names, sizes,and date/time stamps of files in archive. Double click in list to view a file. Includes extensive help, easy
PUTDESC.ZIP 16,115 02-22-92 A fast and easy program to add DESC.SDI and/or FILE_ID.DIZ files into a ZIP, ARJ orLZH archive. Many BBS systems now have theablilty to read one or both of these filesand automatically insert the descriptioninto the BBS file records at the time ofupload. See my AUTODESC program for WILDCAT3.x+.
QEZBLD10.ZIP 112,750 09-07-92 QEZbuild v1.0: builds .QEZ ("queasy") filesfor quick and easy software distribution;takes a given list of files & compressesthem into one file which can be sent ondiskette or via communications lines; filescan then be extracted from the package byprocessing it w/the QEZ pgm; 09/07/92;Robert Simpson.
RV247.ZIP 27,466 07-21-92 New version of RV - view what is inside of.ZIP, .ARC, .ARJ, .LZH, etc
RVS102.ZIP 42,063 08-08-92 RView Shell v.1.02: dir viewer & utility forARC/ARJ/LZH/LZS/PAK/ZIP/ZOO; scrollableversion of RView w/a different focus; userconfigurable to display either ZIP or LZHcompression ratios; listings can sort byname extension, date, original size, packedsize, compression ratio or left unsorted.
SHEZ81.ZIP 242,028 10-05-92 SHEZ the premier compression shell. Release8.1 ,new paging routine, fixed Ultavisionproblem, Corrected Desqview problem, etc
SHEZFIX.ZIP 9,639 08-04-92 SGREP 2.4 -- corrections to SHEZ. This is afix to the SGREP program that was includedin the SHEZ 7.4 release. It fixes all knownproblems with the SGREP program.
SQZ1081.ZIP 101,124 08-30-92 Squeeze It! V.1.08.1 - 22 Aug 1992 -Powerful archiver , better than ZIP &ARJ.....
SS150.ZIP 139,745 09-25-92 Shape Shifter v1.50: Flexible archive(ZIP/ARC/ARJ/LZH/etc) converter and virustester, will protect -AV files and,optionally, update BBS dirs.
STORE002.ZIP 8,775 05-03-92 Version-tracking backup utility changes thename of a file it backs up to include eithera sequence number or current date, so youcan archive successive versions of the sameprogram without overwriting
STOW180.ZIP 216,478 02-26-92 The latest Stowaway program from PatriquinUtilities Newest File in Archive: February,1992
STOW185.ZIP 238,240 05-12-92 Stowaway Archive System from PatriSoft movesinactive files to offline disk storage withhandy indexing/accessibility. <ASP>
STOWDIR1.ZIP 16,335 04-16-92 Stowdir 1.1 Get Directory of Archived FilesFrom Command Line. Works Like DOS Dir.
TDSP20.ZIP 90,225 04-27-92 Version 2.0 of Trinity Software's versatileself-displaying text program. Creates .EXEfiles which display themselves when you typethe filename. Hotkeys for printing to portor file, text search. Control overbackground color, up to 4 text colors perfile, border type, margins. Optionalpassword protection. Unlimited file size,word wrap. ASP. $49.
TINY35.ZIP 47,652 06-09-92 Tiny compatter 3.5
UNZ50X16.ZIP 69,286 08-21-92 Unzip v5.0 16 bit version. Supportsdeflation.
UNZIP50.ZIP 242,639 08-22-92 Info-ZIP free portable UnZip version 5.0This C source code will compile on Atari,Amiga, Macintosh, MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows,Unix, and VMS. Compatible with PKZIP 2.
UX320.ZIP 25,440 02-20-92 Viewer,extractor and scrolling of files inarced files. Supports popular compressionprograms.
UZ42_32E.ZIP 186,881 03-21-92 Info-ZIP Free Unzip For OS/2; Also IncludesShip, Similar to Uuen/Decode.
VZIP10.ZIP 20,521 05-08-92 Zip Viewer v1.0 5/4/92. You can View theinternal files of a ZIP file without seeingthe comment. Newest File in Archive: May,1992
WARN201.ZIP 0,768 03-18-92 Warning from PkWare about BOGUS PkZip 2.01.
XARC712.ZIP 7,137 04-16-92 SEA version of Arc Compression Utility, ver
XLIST27E.ZIP 152,903 09-26-92 XLIST v2.70E: disk/archive manager for DOS;designed to make working with directoriesand LZH/ARC/PAK/ZIP archives a much easiertask; intensity colors; change fileattributes/date; sort directories, etc;
XNPLUS_1.ZIP 143,760 03-25-92 Extend-A-Name Plus v3.10n Perform ZIPfunctions while in a program, auto-assign upto 60-character names to DOS files inside anapplication, and more. (3-25-92) 1 of 3.
XNPLUS_2.ZIP 150,386 03-18-92 Extend-A-Name Plus v3.10n 2 of 3.
XNPLUS_3.ZIP 97,358 03-18-92 Extend-A-Name Plus v3.10n 3 of 3.
XNP_READ.ZIP 0,915 03-18-92 Important information regarding XNPLUS.ZIP.
XRAY102.ZIP 65,136 02-06-92 X-Ray archive viewers 1.02. AR (ARJ viewer)now works with ARJ 2.30, authenticatedarchives, etc. Uses UNARJXR (included) togenerate listing file. You need LIST andthe appropriate archivers to run theseviewers. Freeware.
ZARC_31.ZIP 52,153 06-07-92 ZARC.EXE Zip manager. Zip selected files bytagging them. Directory is displayed in awindow and you can tag many files easily. Not crippled. UpDated for use with Dos 5.0Registration provides additional features. Newest File in Archive: June, 1992
ZBASE31.ZIP 118,802 09-28-92 ZipBase v3.1 Catalog your ZIPs!
ZCM12.ZIP 152,685 03-27-92 Newlin;s Zip Comment Manager 1.2
ZCOMET13.ZIP 10,252 02-24-92 Ultra fast zip utility for inserting comments
ZCRYPT19.ZIP 14,143 08-21-92 Info-ZIP free portable Zip/UnZip This filecontains the C source code required forcompiling Zip 1.9 or UnZip 5.0 with theencryption option (non-export).
ZIP10.EXE 71,056 04-02-92 INFO-ZIP's ZIP 1.0 & UNZIP 4.01 executablesfor MS-DOS in self-extracting form Freeware v
ZIP19P1.ZIP 206,207 08-26-92 Info-ZIP project's generic ZIP, v1.9. FREEpublic-domain PKZIP 1.93a compatible ZIPfile ZIP creator. W/C sources for Unix,MS-DOS, OS/2 and other systems. (PKZIP1.93a produces archives that are NOTcompatible with the current PKZIP productionrelease, v1.10). Sources only; Use PKUNZIP-D to re-create sub-directories. SOURCEONLY,see ZIP19X.ZIP for the MS-DOSexecutable version.
ZIP19P1X.ZIP 114,650 08-28-92 Zip utilities for the INFO-ZIP group.
ZIP19X32.ZIP 146,286 08-21-92 Zip 1.9 for OS/2. This is the 32-bitversion of Zip, not supporting imploding.
ZIPBACK.ZIP 1,879 03-02-92 Batch files to backup your drive using PKZIP
ZIPDRA_B.ZIP 1,182 04-11-92 A batch file for zipping files in A: or Bdrive.
ZIPFND12.ZIP 27,587 09-25-92 ZIPFIND 1.2 searches ZIP or ARC files fortext strings and displays each line of eacharchived file that contains the string.
ZIPIT1A.ZIP 251,860 09-11-92 ZipIt v1.0a shell for PKware's PKZIP utility.
ZIPR08.ZIP 12,188 10-27-92 ZIP'R v0.8ß - Increases Hard Drive Space! The ZIP'R utility, used in combination withPKZIP, ARJ, or LHA, can automaticallycompress entire programs into a singlecompressed file, saving valuable hard drivespace. Can also use w/Stacker or SuperStor.
ZIPSCAN.ZIP 3,466 06-02-92 Zipscan: will scan multiple file directorylistings for a search string and printrelated file info. It will also optionallycreate a list of filenames for batchdownloading.
ZIPWARN.ZIP 1,245 09-30-92 File downloaded from PKWare's BBS listingknown unauthorized versions of PKZip(including v2.0 unauthorized releases)
ZIP_ARJ.ZIP 8,241 03-17-92 ZIP to ARJ converter, requires PKZIP & ARJ.
ZM29.ZIP 142,931 06-18-92 ZipMaster v2.9 Shell for Zipfiles
ZT250.ZIP 130,718 10-08-92 ZIPTOOL v2.50 Splits large ZIPs into smallerZIPs, Combines multiple ZIP files together. << Just $10.00 to register >>.